The Conners 3rd Edition (Conners 3®)

The Conners 3rd Edition (Conners 3®) is an assessment tool designed to measure a range of behaviours in children from six to 18 years. It is a thorough assessment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and its most common comorbid problems and disorders. The Conners 3 typically takes 20 minutes and is completed by parents, caregivers, teachers and children aged eight years and above. This provides us with information across home, social and school settings.

Skills assessed with Conners 3

  • Inattention/Hyperactivity/Impulsivity
  • Learning Problems
  • Executive Functioning
  • Defiance/Aggression
  • Peer/Family Relations

Conners 3® helps clinicians to inform an ADHD diagnosis with results that have direct connections to DSM-5 symptom criteria. It also assesses common comorbid disorders (Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder) to assist clinicians with differential diagnosis. The scores obtained inform intervention and treatment strategies by identifying specific challenge areas to work on. The forms can also be utilised to create progress reports and monitor response to intervention and determine the effectiveness of treatment.

Conners 3® is a reliable and dependable tool designed to support the diagnostic and identification process as well as inform the intervention and treatment plan.

About Psychological

An assessment involves gathering and collating detailed information to explore a diagnosis and treatment plan delivered by our highly experienced staff. Because each child is different, individual assessments can vary.

Assessment results are compiled in a detailed psychological report that includes relevant background information, medical history, a summary of observations and practical recommendations.

quirky kid
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