Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales (Vineland-3)

The Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales, Third Edition (Vineland-3) is the leading instrument for supporting the diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The Vineland-3 is used with people aged 0 to 90 years to measure a range of functional domains and subdomains. The results provide valuable information for developing educational and treatment plans and to monitor and measure growth over time.

Skills assessed with Vineland-3

  • Communication: receptive, expressive and written communication skills
  • Daily living: personal (hygiene and dressing), domestic, numeric (using numerical concepts in practical ways), community (functioning in the world outside the home) and school community
  • Socialisation: interpersonal relationships (caring, conversation and friendship), play and leisure, coping skills
  • Motor Skills*: gross and fine motor skills
  • Maladaptive behaviour*: undesirable and atypical behaviours that interfere with adaptive functioning, such as internalising (anxiety and depression), externalising (hyperactivity and disruptive behaviour) and critical items (self-injury, aggression and suicidality).

The Vineland-3 assessment involves a structured interview where the parent/caregiver and teacher complete separate question forms.

About Psychological

An assessment involves gathering and collating detailed information to explore a diagnosis and treatment plan delivered by our highly experienced staff. Because each child is different, individual assessments can vary.

Assessment results are compiled in a detailed psychological report that includes relevant background information, medical history, a summary of observations and practical recommendations.

quirky kid
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